Sunday, June 14, 2020

Yoga Asanas for upper back pain?

Yoga Asanas for upper back pain

Before starting any exercise, you must first solve the immediate problem of your upper back pain. I would strongly suggest you to look at a Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh, as I have it, it is a cervical problem - a common complaint these days. It stems from working at the desk - writing, keyboarding, surfing, gaming, and of course, using mobile phones. Your medical counselor recommends an X-ray at night to check for discrepancies, if any. If it is severe, you may also need to wear a neck-brace for a while, and may also need to take some painkillers. Go through the entire course and routine until you are fully recovered.

Due to the current lifestyle, which requires spending hours sitting at work or public transport, you may be one of the thousands who suffer from lower back pain.

Yoga benefits nd Yoga Asana For Upper Back Pain

A good and simple way to treat them for 200 hours of Hatha Yoga teacher training is to practice specific yoga postures for the back.

Yoga Asana For Pain

 Yoga exercise.

  • A good posture will help your back to fix problems and relax, Ana Paula Dominguez, director of the Mexican Institute of Yoga, explains the steps in how to do it in the next video.
  • Watching the dog's posture upwards. Gabi Tavera of the Mexican Federation of Yoga (FMY) explains that this asana is effective in relieving back pain as well as strengthening the spine and expanding the chest.
  • To lie on your stomach, separate your legs by pointing 30 cm back to each other.
  • Place the hands on both sides of the body, inhale and lift the head and torso up, completely without knees touching the ground.
  • The posture of crescent moon Experts at the Mexican Institute of Yoga indicate that this condition helps tone the muscles of the lumbar spine, legs, and knees.
  • The tadasana diverges into the width of the feet, bends the right foot by 90 degrees to the right and the left leg slightly inward, and enters the position of the extended triangle on the right hand side.Your hands on either side of the hip, in a straight line below the shoulders, at the tips of the fingers.Moxie says that doing this asana has the benefits of strengthening the back muscles, improving body posture, stretching the shoulders and opening the chest, among others.

    Yoga Asana Upper back Pain

    If your problems are not serious, then this Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training for your back can ensure your relief. But if you notice more complications, go to a specialist who provides timely and effective treatment.

    I must admit that I am not a doctor. I am sure you must have researched the net for some answers, but I would be happy to give some suggestions: Do not start any yoga asana without seeing a doctor and without his advice.

    Once you are convinced to relieve back-pain, join a recognized institution and work with a certified yoga instructor. There are a lot of fly-by-night operators and you don't want to subject your body to much damage.

    Learn basic asanas under the guidance of a Yoga teacher. You will realize how flexible your body is and how much stress it can take. I think a 3 month course should be enough.

        One thing to remember is POSTURE. Keep your body straight at all times. Never                bend, sit or stand. To lift something off the floor, sit back on your honts and lift it up.             Never bend. Also, never  watch your mobile phone bending for a long time. Keep                 changing positions to reduce the strain on your neck.

Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

Does your back ache due to sitting or standing for long periods of time?

  • Do this simple yoga exercise anywhere, and get rid of back pain in just five minutes with All Direction Back Stretch!
  • You can practice this yogaasan for back pain anywhere, as a part of office yoga in your chair at the work desk, in front of your television on a yoga mat, at rest or at break.
  • Sit in Sukhasana (cross legged pose). Keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Most important, smile. If you like to practice these yoga postures while standing, keep your feet parallel.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Which is the best yoga for diabetes?

 Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh the word "Yoga" stands for "union". The ultimate aim of a yogi is to be able to attain this union to the eternal self with the help of some mental and physical exercises. Yoga has the most powerful way of healing the inner soul and curing many serious diseases, as well as uplifting consciousness. People have gradually realized that being mentally fit is just as important as being physically fit.

The increasing popularity of yoga globally confirms that yogic exercises keep one fit both at the level of body and mind. By incorporating yoga and meditation into our daily regime, we can increase our resistance, improve health and develop our mental abilities.

Yoga TTC Course For Diabetes

As yoga is for overall fitness, adopting a regular yoga routine in addition to other healthy lifestyle habits can help relieve the symptoms of diabetes and even help in overcoming the condition.

However, asanas may not provide results for people suffering from diabetes. For diabetics, the best Hatha Yoga Teacher Training asanas and breathing exercises specifically target the pancreas and stimulate them to increase insensitive secretion. This is due to the fact that some Yoga poses are designed to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow to the pancreas. They reactivate all vital organ cells to keep them healthy and optimize their action potential.

It is advisable to do yoga in the morning on an empty stomach. However, for diabetics, it is advisable to practice yoga before meals but post intake of fluids containing glucose.

Below are some yogic exercises that have proved highly beneficial for diabetics. These yoga asanas are effective for people with pre-diabetes and diabetes.

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

  1. Shalabhasana
  2. Chakrasana
  3. Supta Vajrasana
  4. Yoga pose
  5. Halasana
  6. Semi-matsyendrasana
  7. Sarvangasana
  8. Bhujangasana
  9. Padangusthansana
  10. Paschimottanasan
  11. Dhanurasan

Studies have also confirmed that practicing some asanas such as Ardha Matsyendrasana (half-bend pose),Dhanurasan(bow pose), Vakrasana (twisted pose), Matsyendrasana (half-spinal bend), Halasana (of the plow) Posture) squeezes and constricts the abdomen. And helps to stimulate pancreatic secretion or hormonal secretion. As a result, more insulin is pushed into the system. It rejuvenates the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas of diabetic patients suffering from both types 1 and 2. Performing relaxed postures without any exertion, meditation and breathing techniques helps most patients to trigger or control the causes of diabetes.

Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

For one, Yoga stimulates organs which in turn improve metabolic activities. This means that chemical changes are made more efficiently within a cell. It is a very beneficial exercise for people suffering from a diabetic-A complex condition caused by a decrease in insulin production by the pancreas or a lack of cell response to insulin, resulting in a multitude of metabolic imbalances in which insulin Involves the regulation and use of. Glucose (sugar) in the body.

In fact, a study published in the journal, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, analyzed research available last year looking at the effects of diabetes on diabetes and the complications of diabetes (eg, kidney problems and high blood pressure) And found that regular Yoga practice led to short-term improvement in fasting glucose and cholesterol levels. Marshall Govindan and Drs. Research by Emilia Repolbun also found that the direct stimulation of the pancreas by certain postures rejuvenated its ability to produce insulin.

Apart from postures, breathing exercises are particularly beneficial for anulom antonyms (alternating nostril breathing) and kapalbhati (breathing once in a while; exhaling 30 to 50 times quickly). Aluminum is found to be useful in wilm diabetes because alternative nostrils have a calming effect on the nerve when inhaled. System, facilitating homeostasis (internal balance in function of all systems). It manages stress levels, which helps in the treatment of diabetes.

Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

On the other hand, Kapalabhati during Pranayama at Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, which helps control diabetes. Pranayama calms the mind, thus balancing the interaction between the pituitary gland and the pancreas. Combined with Kapalbhati Nauli Kriya (pressure-joint and abdominal-recti muscle separation) helps in controlling blood sugar. These exercises balance the basic metabolic rate (BMR) which in turn helps to stabilize sugar levels.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What are the benefits of Yoga

200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course is a set of physical, mental, and religious practices or disciplines which originated in historical India. Yoga is the most popular exercise among women. Here are some yoga benefits that will give a broader perspective on this practice.

Benefits of yoga
1. Yoga makes you younger

Study here suggests that practicing yoga every day will slow down the aging process. The study published by the US National Library of Medicine accompanied by 96 people and looked at different factors of aging.

The scientists discovered that yoga combined with meditation has its own variety of benefits, helped to postpone the aging process, and prevent the onset of many specific diseases.
200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh India

2. Improved sex drive

Doing yoga on a daily basis can improve your sex drive. Engaging ‘Mula bandha’ or the ‘root lock’ requires the yogi to lift the perineum (as though you’re trying to hold in an urgent pee), thus bringing more circulation and awareness to the nether regions.

By practicing this regularly and remembering to ‘switch it on’ while having sex, it’s said the practitioner is able to greatly increase the feeling of an orgasm.

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training School In Rishikesh India

3. Increases flexibility of your body

Yoga is the best practice for improving your body flexibility and strength. The asanas like Padangusthasana, Baddha Konasana are some basic asanas which you can start with first and then, later on, improve with some advanced ones.

4. Increases your blood flow

The blood flow is much important for overall body health. Because, increased blood flow can improve your heart’s health, Increased IQ and lots, and lots.

Yoga TTC Rishikesh India

5. Helps focus

An important thing about yoga is focusing on the present. Studies have located that regular yoga exercise improves coordination, reaction time, memory, or even IQ scores.

People who exercise, do Meditation show the potential to solve troubles and acquire and recall statistics better—probably because they’re less distracted by way of their thoughts, that can play again and again like an infinite tape loop.

Yoga Teacher Training Class In Rishikesh India

  • Physical Benefits

Physical benefits include- increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy, and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance, protection from injury, and many more.
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

  •   Mental Benefits

One of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which is known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. Yoga can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life. Yoga’s incorporation of medication and breathing can help improve a persons mental well being.

Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness, increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, centers attention and sharpens concentration.
When people talk about Yoga they unfortunately think about bending, twisting and doing all physical asanas with the body, but this is not Yoga it's Yogasana.
Yoga Class in Rishikesh India

Yoga, this aspect is more to do with bringing in stillness and calmness. When you begin to devote 20 minutes of time everyday then you are about to explore a new dimension in your life. Most important thing here is complete devotion, if you perform this as a task or some physical activity then it may not be of great value.

Yoga will help you understand how to function your
self with the life, it will help you pursue your life at its fullest potential. The larger aspects are for experience as discussion or stories may not help in any manner.
Benefits Of yoga Asana

There are many benefits for practicing this age-old form of exercises daily; yoga benefits are given below:-
1. Yoga can help us with weight loss.

2. Yoga makes your mind more alert.

3. Yoga enables you to remove your laziness and thus can make a better quality of life. Not only to your own life, but you will also be able to contribute more towards your family and to society.

4. Increases stamina

5. Improves flexibility and joint mobility

6. Improves digestion

7. Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels

8. Boosts immune response

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Shivsiddh Yogpeeth is an ideal program for the practitioners seeking a deep approach towards their practice. Throughout the course, different dimensions of broadening the knowledge of students are the main focus. The course has been designed in a way that could be appropriate for every student signing up for this program.

Hatha Yoga is known as the origin of all the different forms of yoga asana practice so this course will be resulting in making a very strong base for the practitioners and making them more stable and adaptive in the direction of furtherance in their yogic journeys. Hatha yoga consists of asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), shatkriyas (cleansing practices), mudras (gestures) & Bandhas  (energy locks). All these different practices, done regularly increases the strength of the body and alertness of mind facilitating a better understanding of one’s consciousness.

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course offers morning and evening intense yoga sessions where the classes will be conducted according to the pattern of traditional Hatha style keeping The main focus on explaining the importance of the preparatory exercises (warming up series or sukshma Vayama) first, which will keep the practitioners more awake on precaution from injuries and also develop strength and flexibility for getting more deeper into the intensity of asanas. Along with the deeper practice of asanas, teaching Methodology will be primary focus so that the students will become equally confident in teaching to others. And for increasing this instinct, in the last week of the course students will be asked to prepare and teach others, which will make them more confident.

For this facilitation, teaching methodology classes will be one of the main parts of this program and apart from that, other important subjects like essential Anatomy & physiology classes for better understanding of the body and movements, alignment & adjustment classes for proper techniques of teaching, pranayamas classes for increasing stamina and control,mantra chanting and Meditation classes for increasing the alertness and focus of mind and the yoga philosophy classes which explains the origin, meaning, need & importance and of yoga.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Course Training in Rishikesh India 

200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course in Shivsiddh Yogpeeth is an ideal program for the practitioners seeking a deep approach towards their practice. Throughout the course, different dimensions of broadening the knowledge of students are the main focus. The course has been designed in a way that could be appropriate for every student signing up for this program.
Hatha Yoga is known as the origin of all the different forms of yoga asana practice so this course will be resulting in making a very strong base for the practitioners and making them more stable and adaptive in the direction of furtherance in their yogic journeys. Hatha yoga consists of asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), shatkriyas (cleansing practices),  mudras (gestures) & bandhas (energy locks). All these different practices, done regularly increases the strength of the body and alertness of mind facilitating a better understanding of one’s consciousness.

200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India 

200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Course Training in Rishikesh India 

200 HourVinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course at Shivsiddh Yogpeeth is the best opportunity for the aspirants who are looking forward to starting an intense dynamic training in yoga. This program is specially designed according to the seekers who are only looking for particular training in advanced Vinyasa Flow series to attain more strength and flexibility. This specific course will be focusing on some main points like the linking of asanas and the breathing flow which actually Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training is all about, and also to focus on the asana Alignment part because while moving dynamic, often the practitioners start missing the alignment segment which makes the practice going on but not really ideal because yoga is not only to move but to move in proper flow and that is the ideal definition of vinyasa yoga.

Students will be benefited to understand the relation of breath and the postures deeply because often if we notice that when people do yoga exercises hardly they connect to the breathing system how inhalation should be and where to focus on the exhalation. Actually, the work of breath should be understood first as that is the key which makes us aware of understanding the delicacy of the asana practices. After this course, the aspirants will surely be full of confidence and positivity to share their experiences as teachers. The course will be followed by morning Hatha Yoga practice where the preparatory asana practice will be focused as for achieving a deep approach in vinyasa flow; a stronger base is needed so before learning the dynamic flow, stability is needed.

200 Hour Vinyasa YOga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India 

200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Course Training in Rishikesh India 

Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training course is described by the Sage Maharshi Patanjali in the ancient text Patanjali Yog Sutras as eight limbs of yoga. “Ashta” means eight and “anga” means parts or limbs. These eight different parts are described as steps or practices to get in union with the universal consciousness. From purification of the body to the purification of thougths and futher control of mind, the practice of Ashtanga yoga enables the practitioner reaching to the union with higher consciousness. These eight limbs are :-
  • Yamas – Self restraints/control
  • Niyamas – Self observances
  • Asana – Posture
  • Pranayama – breath control
  • Pratyahara – Control on senses
  • Dharana – Concentration or attentiveness
  • Dhyana – Meditation
  • Samadhi – Immersion into the universal consciousness
The first five limbs are explained as “Bahiranga Yoga” means external control and the last three limbs are explained as “Antaranga yoga” means internal control. This straight away reflects that first the practitioner needs to be commanding on the physical body and then dive into the delicacy of controlling the subtle energy
200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh